Friday, August 5, 2011

Muddling Through

Okay.  So here goes... my first official blog post.

I've agonized over this for a couple of weeks now.  With the imminent release of my first ebook later next year, I thought it would be a good idea to create what is generally referred to as a "web presence".  This, as it turns out, is what you do when no one has a clue who you are, but you're attempting to become better known to the general public.  In this brave new(ish) world of social media, it apparently means starting a Twitter account, a blog, and a website.  So I've done the first two, but I'm holding out on the website (for now, anyway...).  Twitter and blogging I can handle, but the whole website thing seems a bit pretentious.  Especially when you're just starting out and your book hasn't even been released yet.  Don't get me wrong.  I'm not trying to slag off anyone with a website.  It's just not for me (at this juncture).

Anyway, I digress.

As I was saying, I've been agonizing over this whole blog thing for some time.  And the reason for it is quite simple: I don't have the foggiest clue what to actually blog about.

I've always been a glass half empty kind of guy, so my first inclination when it came to starting this blog was to think, Who's going to want to read a blog about me?  In the great scheme of things, I'm nobody.  So I waited.  And slept on it.  And from those very misgivings came the answer I was looking for. 

This blog is going to be a personal journal of sorts.  I'm going to keep it fairly casual.  I'll talk about things I like, things I don't like.  Heck, maybe I'll even throw in a few recipes.  Who knows?  (I do make a mean pulled pork sandwich).  But what I'll probably focus on most is this writer's journey I've embarked on:  the ups and downs of the craft, my experiences in this new digital publishing frontier, perhaps some previews of my upcoming work.  All I ask in return is that you have a little patience as I try and wrap my head around this whole blogging thing.  Well, that and buy Cold Fear when it comes out...

So, with that being said, welcome to my blog. 

I think this'll be fun.  I hope you do too.

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